Category Pressing Frontline needs

Veer and Nitu

CEIFA is partnering with frontliners Veer and Nitu who are proclaiming the Gospel in both word and deed in India. Read their personal testimony below.

“Hi, my name is Veer and my wife’s name is Nitu. We have 2 boys, Ray and Bey. I am originally from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India but grew up in Punjab. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters.

I came from a family with a strong Hindu background. At a young age, I joined the RSS (the religious fanatical wing of the Hindu BJP political party) and became a very active member. I was indoctrinated about Hindu supremacy and brainwashed to hate other religions, especially Christians. 

Before I knew Jesus, I had lots of problems and lived a very sinful life. I used to worship idols and there was no peace in my life. I was longing and looking for God’s love from different people but could not find the love that I was looking for. When I was 15 years old, I left school and started working very hard to provide for my family because my father did not take care of our family. Whatever money he would earn he ended up squandering away by gambling and drinking. We also went into debt because our family had to pay the dowry for my sister’s marriage at the age of 15. Our family was in a grave financial situation and the future was uncertain. I had lots of pressure to provide for the family being the eldest son in the family. I did not know what to do. In desperation, our whole family even contemplated suicide as we had no hope or future.

During that time, my cousin, who was a believer, told me about Jesus and the Good News. When I heard it for the first time I was filled with peace in my heart. My cousin’s family even helped us pay off our debt. After some time, I started going to church but my life was the same as before. I still had lots of anger and resentment in my heart against my father for failing us. 

My younger sister was the first in my family to believe in Jesus at the age of 16. In 2011, when I went to drop my sister off at a YWAM base, I met the base leader for a brief moment. I only had 15 minutes before my train was about to leave and the leader told me about a discipleship training school. The school was starting the next day and at that moment I decided to stay back and join the discipleship training school. During the DTS, I learned a lot about God but never got to experience Him personally. After the school, I went back home to my own past life and into all the worldly things again.  At that time, I was possessed by an evil spirit and was tormented for many years. In 2013, I got another chance to do a secondary school with YWAM called the school of frontier mission (SOFM) which was in my hometown of Varanasi. During the school one speaker came to teach and as he prayed for me, I was delivered from the evil spirit and my life completely changed. I experienced God in a special way like never before. I got married to Nitu in 2015, whom I met during my DTS.  Currently we both are working full time with YWAM Siliguri, West Bengal, India. God has given us a vision to do Church planting among the unreached people groups here in our city and to train and disciple many young people.

We have already started five house fellowships and every week we partner with a medical team in conducting medical clinics in different unreached areas in our city.”

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    Amit and Diana Gully

    Amit is from Nagaland, India and Diana is from the US. God orchestrated quite the story to bring these two together while they were young and serving as missionaries in North-west China. They lived there for more than 10 years, teaching English, running a restaurant, and more, all with the focus of reaching out to the Amdo Tibetans in that region.

    After their son, Jack was born in 2017, in 2018 they came back to the US for a sabbatical year and further missions training. During their visit to the US, Covid hit and they ended up staying for a bit longer than they expected.

    Their daughter Lily was born in the US in 2021. In 2022, they moved their family to a strategic area in North-East India where they continue to reach out to Tibetan Buddhist people groups.

    CEIFA is partnering with the Gully family through Discipleship training and medical outreaches in their area. If you would like to connect with them or know more about what they are doing, email them at or contact Ceifa.

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      Frontliner Josh

      My names are Joshua. Magondu, a volunteer servant/teacher, disciple maker, a husband and a father to 3 boys; Calvin (13), Bobby (10) and Damian (4). I am involved in TEGA ministry as the media and tech support and currently CEIFA’s internet tech Support.

      Starting June 2023, I started my mission journey and Jesus led me to Chagana, Tanzania as a volunteer Teacher among the Taturu people where i am currently working.

      I am an aspiring frontliner with vast interest in doing youth Discipleship as i continue learning to be Discipled By Jesus.

      My aspirations are to work for Christ using the talents He has granted me. Colossians 3:23.

      My impressive achievements so far are; Learning to Know Him, Learning to see Him, Learning to hear Him, Learning to love Him, Learning to believe Him.

      Prayer Points-

      1. Pray that God will use me for His glory
      2. Pray for the well being of my family
      3. Pray for the school in Chagana. As we volunteer to end illiteracy among the Taturu children and community, pray that we’ll also be able to show and teach the love of Jesus/ make disciples among the young generation. We also believe God will provide all the finances we need to run the school.
      4. Please pray Chagana kids, for their learning. Currently we need desks, stationery, food for the children.  We believe that God will provide all our needs through your prayers and support.

      Help support Josh in the frontlines

      Josh and his family
      Josh and his family
      Joshua teaching in Chagana, Tanzania
      Josh teaching in Chagana, Tz (June 2023)

      support frontliner josh

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