One of the passions of Ceifa Ministry International is to see Discipleship Making Movements among unreached people groups. Discipleship Making Movements, or DMMs, is when there are disciples who make disciples who make disciples down to the 3rd and 4th generations and beyond. The process is challenging, especially in places where making disciples is illegal but Ceifa is equipping many to take on those challenges, these men and women are making disciples within nations God has called them to serve. One of the best examples is in Northeast India near the border of Bhutan. Bhutan is a tiny Himalayan country officially closed to the gospel. But that hasn’t stopped a small church from growing within its borders, despite opposition. So how do you disciple new believers in a closed country? Asslia and Tosh, determined women had an idea. They established a small, covert disciple-making center on the border-a strategic location allowing underground church members to cross into India, receive training, and then go home with the resources they need to grow their communities in Christ.
Making Disciples in Nepal.
In Nepal, through discipleship training schools and conferences, CEIFA has been helping make disciples who make disciples for over 10 years. We have seen many discipleship students go on to disciple many, even planting more churches and ministries.

Making Disciples in Pakistan.
In Pakistan, we have connected with a Pakistani Christian brother who has had great influence in this closed country through television, and through him, we have run online discipleship trainings that have had an even broader influence than would have been possible in person, in this high security risk country.
Making Disciples in India.
In India, we have a group of men and women that meet weekly in a Discipled by Jesus zoom meeting, praying and listening to Jesus together. Each member of that meeting is making disciples in different unreached communities, whether it be among Hindus, Buddhists, and even the homeless. If Jesus could transform the world with just 12 dedicated disciples, imagine the possibilities of what He has equipped us to do in His name.
Making disciples in Africa
CEIFA discipleship training in Malawi, Africa is an answered prayer. To God be all the glory!